About Me
Hi! I’m Gabrielle Bellot. I’m a fully certified transformational and psychedelic integration coach, as well as a writer, a lover of the color blue, and a queer woman of color who grew up in the Caribbean and now lives in Queens in New York City with my wife.
My writing has appeared in many publications, including The New York Times, The New Yorker, The Atlantic, The Cut, The New York Review of Books, Guernica, and Literary Hub, as well as in anthologies, including Can We All Be Feminists? (Penguin, 2018), Indelible in the Hippocampus (McSweeney’s, 2019), and Body Language (Catapult, 2022). I hold both an MFA and PhD in English and Creative Writing from Florida State University, as well as fellowships from FSU and Yale University.
Beyond all that, I’m the creator of Bliss Witch, a site dedicated to helping others find bliss, make sense out of big experiences (plant-medicine-based and otherwise!), learn how to harness art and writing to heal, and to figure out how to make peace with their shadows.
Bliss Witch blends art and coaching (and a bit of magic), offering clients the chance to heal and grow in creative, novel, special ways. And not just for a day, like some quick fix, but in ways that will last for a lifetime.
Like me, Bliss Witch is a special blend of writing, coaching, and witchery, with traditional coaching services offered alongside creative writing workshops, candle meditations, shadow work, and more, all in a professional, supportive, inclusive setting.
Why Bliss Witch?
Well, I could’ve used someone like me earlier in life, if I’m being honest. For most of my life, I suffered from severe anxiety and bouts of depression. Self-confidence felt almost impossible. I was nowhere close to bliss.
And then, one day, something changed. It all started with a mushroom—an unexpected psychedelic experience that reminded me of the wondrous beauty of the world.
Beyond that, though, it sent me down a new life-path. It showed me a glimpse of an a simple but incredible truth: that I could radically reshape my relationship with my inner demons, like my anxieties, fears, and shame. All my life, I’d fought or tried to suppress them, which never worked.
Now, for the first time in my life, I began to interact with them differently, and it was like a veil lifted. I was becoming a new person, a calmer, happier, more fulfilled version of me.
I was beginning my own journey towards bliss.
I realized just how astonishing—and magical—psychedelic substances could be at showing us the things we had been hiding, suppressing, or afraid to confront—or even things we didn’t know we had within us.
And I realized, too, how useful it might have been to have someone help me process that incredible journey. So I decided to become that person.
The arc of my life changed, and I decided to pursue a new career aimed at helping others through their own life journeys. I became certified as a transformational and psychedelic integration coach through rigorous training with Being True to You.
As a coach, I’m deeply interested in helping my clients become their best selves—that is, to figure out who and what they’d like to be, or what they wish to process or overcome. Through this, I help clients understand what true peace—bliss—can feel like.
Although I have a special interest in psychedelic integration coaching, my practice is open to anyone in search of personal transformation, recovery from emotional pain, shadow work, or help orienting their life in new, more fulfilling, more blissful directions.
As a member of the LGBTQ community, I have a special interest in holding space for clients who would like to talk about their identities in a safe, supportive environment, as well as clients interested in exploring how to feel at home not only where they are, but in—and with—themselves, that is, with who they are.
It brings me the deepest joy to see my clients grow, whether that change be obvious or subtle.
In my non-coaching life, I’m also a writer and teacher. I’ve taught creative writing for over a decade, including at Florida State University, The Center for Fiction, Catapult, and Gotham Writers Workshop. Along with the publications listed above, I’m also the author of the long essay and audiobook My Year of Psychedelics: Lessons on Better Living (Everand, 2024), a project developed with Roxane Gay and Everand that explores my own transformative journey with entheogens and plant medicine more broadly. If you’d like to learn more about me as a writer, you’re welcome to visit my sister site here.